Bossier Parish Community College and the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) have entered into a new agreement that allows BPCC students who complete their Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant to transfer those credits towards three unique Bachelor of Science in Health Studies tracks at ULM. Specifically, learners will have the option of pursuing the Healthcare Management and Marketing (HSMM), the Distant Learning Healthcare Management and Marketing (DLHS), or the Pre-Professional (HSPP) tracks at ULM.
Administrators signed the agreement June 2, 2021, formalizing new pathways between the two institutions and the students who choose to participate.
“This partnership with ULM is a tremendous benefit to our students who wish to transition from an OTA to an OT,” said Kelly Brandon, BPCC OTA Program Director and Assistant Professor. “We’ve had several students continue their education and take advantage of this opportunity and look forward to assisting many more reach their career goals in the future.”
Carolyn Burroughs, Dean of Science, Nursing & Allied Health at BPCC, shares in the excitement of this partnership.
“BPCC is excited to join with ULM to offer our OTA program graduates, who chose to do so, the opportunity to continue their education at ULM to become Occupational Therapist. This type of agreement is a tremendous benefit to the graduate and provides a seamless pathway for the training of future Occupational Therapist.”
The partnership also comes with scholarship opportunities for eligible students. Those coming from BPCC to ULM will be able to take advantage of the ULM Scholastic Transfer Award (up to $2,400 per year) and the Phi Theta Kappa Award (up to $2,400 total) to provide support that might not otherwise be available to deserving students.
Dr. Donald Simpson, Dean of Health Sciences at ULM, said the partnership represents the superior teaching philosophies at both institutions.
“I sincerely appreciate the great collaboration provided by Ms. Kelly Brandon at BPCC and Dr. Jessica Dolecheck at ULM in pulling this opportunity together,” he said. “In addition to them both being an Occupational Therapist, the signing and implementation of this MOU demonstrates their "student-centric" teaching philosophy and how they consistently create extraordinary educational opportunities for students in their respective programs.”
BPCC’s Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program prepares students to work under the direction of occupational therapists to provide patient care in a variety of clinical environments. The mission of the OTA Program at BPCC is to provide students with the academic instruction and support services necessary to earn an associate degree in occupational therapy assistant and graduate well-qualified and board eligible occupational therapy assistants committed to serving the needs of the occupational therapy community, state and nation. The OTA Program supports OT services that promote the therapeutic use of occupation and activity during the OT process to increase a person’s health, wellness and personal satisfaction.
For information on BPCC’s Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, visit www.bpcc.edu/academics/science-nursing-allied-health/occupational-therapy-assistant-program.

Additional Info
Source : https://www.bpcc.edu/news/1713283/bpcc-ulm-sign-2-2-agreement-in-healthcare
Media Contact : Amanda Crane